Thursday, October 20, 2011

Back in Kathmandu!'s for the birds!!!

We are back in Nepal, and much sooner than we dreamed! This time, for the first time, without our kids in tow... Karen will be here volunteering for one month, while Paul only gets a week... Far too short a time, but we hope to make a worthwhile impact.

The Bird-watching program that Karen started in Fall, 2010
was phenomenally successful! The students at HYF's (Himalayan Youth Foundation) Kailash Hostel were so inspired and passionate, that they continued birding in our absence, started their own website, met regularly, and even produced official bird-watching club name-tags! Their heartfelt blog posts, and emails to us back in California were so moving, we just had to return!

Thanks to the generous and enthusiastic support of HYF's directors, we were invited back to Kathmandu with several goals in mind:
  • Continue birding frequently with students to raise their skill level.
  • Produce and field test a "birding handbook" to help train them in birding, guiding, and group leadership skills.
  • Connect the Kailash students with local Nepali birders & organizations who will provide ongoing support.
  • Provide assistance with updating and customizing their website & other publications.
  • Help create a framework for the long-term sustainability of their bird-watching club

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